How do Italians celebrate Christmas? The spirit of Christmas consumes the lives of all Italians for the entire month of December and the beginning of January. Italy has a series of Christmas traditions that you may not even know about.
The Christmas traditions vary from the north to the south, so there is no one way that Italians celebrate this special time of year. Have you ever heard of San Nicolò? Or Santa Lucia? If these names are new to you, then how about the Befana?
In this Italian listening and comprehension exercise, you will learn all about these and other Christmas legends and traditions.
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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.
You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.
1. In Italia i festeggiamenti per il Natale durano più di un mese
In Italy Christmas celebrations last more than a month
2. I bambini italiani aspettano i doni solo da Babbo Natale
Italian children only expect presents from Santa Clause
3. Tutta Italia ha le stesse tradizioni natalizie
All of Italy has the same Christmas traditions
4. San Nicolò è il nome che i bambini italiani danno a Babbo Natale
“San Nicolò” is the name that Italian children give to Santa Clause
5. Secondo la tradizione, Santa Lucia porta doni a tutti i bambini buoni
According to tradition, Saint Lucia brings presents to all the good children

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