In this episode of Italy Made Easy Podcast we will talk about the top 10 things that visitors adore about our “Bel Paese”. If you haven’t already fallen in love with Italy, then you need to know and experience these 10 things for yourself!
The language, the cordiality, the style, the food…and much, much more!
This podcast is in 100% Italian – spoken at a slower pace, in clear and authentic Italian. It has been designed specifically as a Listening and Comprehension exercise to help you improve your Italian. Download the bonus PDF for some super useful learning resources, including the full transcript and great comprehension exercises.
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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.
You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.
1. Manu ha incontrato spesso persone che amano l’Italia
Manu has often met people who love Italy
2. In Italy Made Easy Manu non incontra amanti dell’Italia
Manu doesn’t come across people in Italy Made Easy who love Italy
3. Manu si chiede perché in molti amino l’Italia
Manu wonders who so many people love Italy
4. L’argomento principale di cui Manu vuole parlare è il cibo
The main topic Manu wants to talk about is food
5. Il cibo è una delle cose italiane più amate
The food is one of the things most loved about Italy

Understand spoken Italian
- Unique Course based on an Audio Novel in Italian
- Develop your comprehension of natural spoken Italian
- Learn to understand different Italian accents
- Follow along an entertaining Novel set in Italy
- 12 week program to take you to full comprehension
- A plethora of incredbly useful supporting resources