What do people mean when they talk about “La Dolce Vita” in Italy? Well, in a few words it is a true concept of lifestyle made up of a unique mix of family, food, nature, art and fun.
It’s not easy to say everything that it entails as the truth is that it encapsulates everything! For an Italian it could mean their usual life but for a foreigner visiting on vacation it can mean experiencing a unique atmosphere… Perhaps sometimes even quite different to the reality of the daily life of a resident.
But does “La dolce vita” even exist anymore? Let’s listen and find out!
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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.
You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.
1. Solitamente tutti amano il proprio Paese
People usually love their own country
2. L’Italia, a differenza di altri Paesi, non ha un soprannome
Italy, unlike other countries, doesn’t have a nickname
3. Per molti stranieri visitare Roma rappresenta un sogno
For many foreigners, visiting Rome is a dream
4. Roma non merita di esser visitata perché è una città caotica
Rome isn’t worth visiting because it’s such a chaotic city
5. In Italia anche ordinare un caffè può essere un’avventura
Even ordering a coffee in Italy can be an adventure

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