Best resources to learn italian

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Italy Made Easy

Le risorse migliori per imparare l'italiano

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Le risorse migliori per imparare l'italiano           Le risorse migliori per imparare l'italiano          
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    In this episode of Italy Made Easy Podcast we’ll talk about the method that we at Italy Made Easy recommend for learning Italian.

    Learning a language requires 3 main steps: learning the grammar of your own language, practicing your speaking skills as much as you can, and listening to the language.

    In particular we will focus on materials in Italian that are made specifically for learners of Italian and how to strategically use these resources to achieve success in the language.

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    Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

    You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.


    1. Per imparare l’italiano è importante studiare la grammatica
    In order to learn Italian it’s important to study the grammar

    2. Manu distingue due tipi di materiale in italiano
    Manu identifies two differents types of resources in Italian

    3. I materiali audio per italiani possono scoraggiare gli studenti
    Audio material made for Italians can discourage students

    4. I materiali per studenti di italiano sono appositamente strutturati
    Materials for students of Italian are specially structured

    5. Tra le novità di IME ci sono gli audiolibri
    Among other news from IME there is the audiobooks

    Audiobook for Site 1024px

    Understand spoken Italian

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