For all you cultural music lovers out there, you will find this topic very interesting! We are going to talk about a series of unique musical events that are becoming more frequent and more popular in Italy: They are concerts high up in the mountains known as “concerti in quota” (concerts at heights) and “concerti all’alba” (sunrise concerts).
The “concerti in quota” take place during the heavenly summer months in Piedmont and in the Dolomites of Trentino Alto Adige at heights of up to 3000 meters. The “concerti all'alba”, on the other hand, take place in Trieste at the end of an ancient pier that leads almost into the middle of the gulf, in a place surrounded by the sound of the waves and the wind.
What type of music will you hear at these events? What kind of talented musicians perform? Find all this out and more in this latest podcast episode of Italy Made Easy Podcast.
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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.
You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.
1. Non esistono posti abituali per ascoltare la musica
There are not any usual places to listen to music
2. Solo gli escursionisti esperti possono assistere ai “concerti in quota”
Only expert hikers can attend the “concerts in the mountains”
3. Prima del concerto in montagna si può mangiare e bere qualcosa
Before the mountain concert you can eat and drink something
4. I “concerti in quota” sono di vari tipi di musica
The “concerts in the mountains” have different types of music
5. In montagna la musica disturba la pace dei luoghi
The music in the mountains disturbs the peace in those places

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