Mysterious tales and magic abound in every corner of Italy. In this podcast episode we will talk about these mythical stories originating in various Italian cities.
You’ll hear folktales about the Grand Canal of Venice, the Maddalena Bridge in Lucca, the alleyways of Naples and we will even take you to our capital: Rome, a city hiding many intriguing stories, legends and myths in every corner.
We’re sure that you will find these stories so interesting and that you’ll love this episode!
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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.
You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.
1. Si narra che a Lucca il Diavolo venne imbrogliato
It is told that the Devil got dupped in Lucca
2. Il corno rosso napoletano non protegge dalle maledizioni
The Neapolitan red horn does not protect you from curses
3. Secondo la leggenda, La Janara è una fata buona
According to legend, the Janara is a good fairy
4. La Bella ‘Mbriana era una bellissima principessa
The Bella ‘Mbriana was a very beautiful princess
5. Si dice che La Bella ‘Mbriana appaia sotto forma di geco
It is said that the The Bella ‘Mbriana appears in the form of a gecko

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