Italians in general love music and Italy itself has a strong musical tradition. In this episode we will talk about a very famous Italian musical event: Sanremo.
This event was born in 1951 in Sanremo, Liguria and still till this day keeps many Italians glued to their televisions for almost an entire week!
Singers, both famous and unknown, compete against each other singing quintessentially Italian songs and then an expert jury must then decide the winner. If you are a lover of Italian music, then we strongly suggest that you follow at least one edition of the Sanremo Music Festival, if you haven’t already.
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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.
You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.
1. Il Festival di Sanremo si tiene ogni due anni
The Festival of Sanremo is held every two years
2. Alla gara partecipano cantanti di ogni Paese
Singers from every country compete in the competition
3. Le canzoni devono essere inedite
The song has to be unreleased
4. Il Festival viene trasmesso alla TV e alla radio in tutta Europa
The Festival is shown on TV and on the radio all over Europe
5. Il sistema per eleggere il vincitore del Festival è piuttosto complesso
The system to choose the winner of the Festival is rather complicated

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