Have you ever wondered how the Italy Made Easy that you know and love started?
This episode will tell all: What was the idea that started it all? Why and how did I put into action the first steps that have led to this huge, big global family that it is today?
This Listening and Comprehension exercise is dedicated to you, as Italy Made Easy could not exist without your support, so thank you!
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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.
You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.
1. Manu ha creato Italy Made Easy prima di diventare insegnante
Manu created Italy Made Easy before becoming a teacher
2. Manu ha creato un sito internet per i suoi video fin dall’inizio
Manu created a website for his videos from the very beginning
3. La storia di IME è iniziata con video per YouTube
IME’s story began with videos on YouTube
4. Prima di IME Manu insegnava all’UniversitÃ
Before IME Manu taught at a University
5. Manu ha iniziato a fare video per i propri studenti privati
Manu started by making videos for his own private students

Understand spoken Italian
- Unique Course based on an Audio Novel in Italian
- Develop your comprehension of natural spoken Italian
- Learn to understand different Italian accents
- Follow along an entertaining Novel set in Italy
- 12 week program to take you to full comprehension
- A plethora of incredbly useful supporting resources